In my last post, I touched base on the issue of steriods and that effect it may have on some minor league baseball players and their "chance" at getting into the MLB. I came across this list of suspended players in Minor League Baseball.
This list runs from April 2005 through the beginning of May 2008 (so there has been even more suspensions since then). http://thesteroidera.blogspot.com/2006/09/list-of-minor-league-suspensions-for.html
Fairly or unfairly, I noticed no Red Sox minor leaguers listed on this initial list while the Yankees for what its worth had 5 players on this list. A number of other teams including the Seattle Mariners, Oakland Athletics, San Diego Padres and Pittsburgh Pirates had a number of players suspended according to this list.
My next couple of posts will continue to further breakdown this list and what has since been added to the suspension list to provide a breakdown in players according to the team they played for to see if there has been a disparity between teams and between the AL and NL Leagues respectively.
I will go into further detail to see what players from this list have since played in the MLB.